Nourish^n Featured in Recent Podcasts: Lookfar Conservation; Investing in Regenerative Agriculture; Others

As economics at the overlap of health + food + farming + natural ecosystems begin to garner more attention (finally!), Nourishn founder David Strelneck is being asked more frequently to present and discuss examples and strategies of Nourishment Economies (or “the circular economy of nutrients”) and financial-ecological-cultural #NutrientValueChains.

Recent examples include the podcasts Investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Lookfar Conservation – Sustaining Livelihoods, Uplifting Communities, Safeguarding Health.

The origins of Nourishn work, identified and developed more than ten years ago with a coalition of innovative social entrepreneurs worldwide, lies in patterns of benefits identified when nutritional health of people and land is connected. It is the predictable and positive (and sometimes complicated) financial-, ecological-, and cultural- economics that result from what are often now called “regenerative” practices in farming, ecosystem management, food systems, health care, waste recycling, and more. Nourish^n mission as a social enterprise is to help spark and spread these economics more widely in society.

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